‘H.O.M.E. (Hoarding Old Memory Eggs)’ is a computer-generated (CG) experimental animation that utilizes photogrammetry, 3D modelling, motion capture, fabricated textures, simulations, an arcing narrative, and an experimental soundtrack. H.O.M.E. is the process of deciphering my relationship with sentimental objects and how they manifest in my perception of belonging. Embedded in this animation are objects taken directly from my life that hold the significance of my being. These things hold joy, grief, identity, the love I have for people and the remanence of memories. The personification of objects is a form of comfort because it is void of rejection. However, a world of materialism is lonely, and S.A.L.’s (Self Afflicted Loathing) world depicts it. A world where SAL searches for companionship in a place of lived memories.